PK!@globalPlugins/PK h@k8UUglobalPlugins/ Tyler Spivey #f12 copies last intercepted text to clipboard. This works with most things, but not arrowing around text documents. #Shift f12 toggles beep on new text. Defaults to off. import globalPluginHandler import ui import tones import speech import api oldSpeak = speech.speakText data="" beep=False def mySpeak(text, *args, **kwargs): global data, beep data = text if beep: tones.beep(1000, 25) oldSpeak(text, *args, **kwargs) class GlobalPlugin(globalPluginHandler.GlobalPlugin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): globalPluginHandler.GlobalPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) global oldSpeak oldSpeak = speech.speakText speech.speakText = mySpeak def script_copyLast(self, gesture): if data and api.copyToClip(data): tones.beep(1500, 120) def script_toggleBeep(self, gesture): global beep beep = not beep if beep: tones.beep(2000, 100) else: tones.beep(200, 100) def terminate(self): speech.speakText = oldSpeak __gestures = { "kb:f12":"copyLast", "kb:shift+f12":"toggleBeep", } PK @I7 info.txtThis is a global plugin that will allow you to copy the last message spoken by NVDA to the clipboard. Press f12 to copy the last message. Press shift+f12 to toggle the beep on new text (though this currently doesn't work for me...)PKsPPU} manifest.inim9 0{ )SE^@֠ȓl* 3;GuSiIQ{ȍ3!nFTUb\l u7~}t/P513_̵=ORI .X*=*B@|PK?!@$globalPlugins/ ٛBٛBJZBPK? h@k8UU$ ,globalPlugins/ -b\BBPK? @I7 $ info.txt d{ /nBBPKsPPU} $ manifest.ini Ґ4=Ґ4=`|▘BPK}